Thursday, September 1, 2011

Processing and Reflecting (August 3rd):

There is disconnect between the writing and the artwork.  There is not a trace, shadow, etc.  There is not quite an essence, entropy, and it is not yet ethereal.  There is not the illusion of insignificance, tininess, aloneness. They are too big in their frame and too hard edged, like a stamp.  “Fool me,” my mentor says, “make me say, hey, what is going on there; how did the artist create that?”  If you are going to use wood – search for the grain that works.  For example, think of how powerful this piece would be if you put a knot in the wood grain right in her crotch.  That would take it to the next level  If you are trying to describe the ephemeral then why not use the actual tracing paper?  Think about collage.  Figure out why you are using the figure.  What is it about the figure?  You aren’t going to write a story that is generic – your visual language – you better say something, otherwise, the viewer is going to walk away feeling stupid.

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