Thursday, September 1, 2011

… Exploring – The Answers… (September 1st)

Formal and Technical Aspects: 
I have been working back into my images – sanding out information, the sharp shape begins to disappear into the background.  In comparing the older and newer images, it is clear to me the sanded ones are beginning to do something more – they are reacting to the space around them.  The figures with the hula hoops give us something to push against, a frame of reference.  I want to try tracing paper, different shapes of birch panels (same general size), multiple figures to add a little more dialogue, not treating the panel in a uniform way.  I do not want to be arbitrary in my process, in selecting color, figure, scale, how I interact with the panel (rounded edges)…

Conceptual Exploration:
Take formal out:  How does this fulfill a conceptual goal? What am I doing?  Once I can figure that out then I can focus on why I do each specific step in the process.  Right now, I am making lots and lots of images and every now and then there is one or two that work.  If I can problem solve this then there will be a specific process and then maybe there will be one or two every now and then that don’t work. DON’T MAKE YOUR VIEWER FEEL STUPID. Make it easy for the viewer to have a dialogue with the images. Here we go…
There is still a disconnect in what I am thinking, saying, and writing.  I hear myself saying that movement and change are important, but these images don’t display that.  Process is important, sure. What attracts me to these people?  They all seem to have specific age and gender.  What makes us notice people in a crowd? What, other than formal issues, makes me settle on a figure?  Is there an attachment – no, well, maybe.  There is something about memory that is BIG but I am having trouble forming the words.  It could be I am excited or worried about losing the memory.  If so, if memory is so important, then let’s go there.  Memory.  Photo album.  Why would someone else want to look at my photo album to be a participant in my memories?  How can I make them more applicable to everyone?  Memories. What do people want to remember: birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, events, growing up (or rather when they were younger)?  What happens when your perception changes?  This happens to everyone as thy grow and learn.  How does that change then change your memory?  Lots of traces and then one silhouette (silhouette is good because it makes it not specific to my memories).  

Thinking and Exploring: Process, Formal, Conceptual, and Influences.

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