Saturday, November 19, 2011


Don't fret.  The images are coming. 
I have been working with encaustics.  My previous artwork naturally lent itself to working with wax. All of my work last semester with watercolors, the wood panels, and of course Hannah's class last residency where I learned how to appropriately attach paper to wood panels - like I said, naturally directed me toward working with wax.  Finally I feel I am in a place (technically speaking) where I can do what it is I want to do with my work.  My mentor this semester, Tamie Beldue, has helped tremendously with guiding me into encaustic works.  With her demonstration last week  I have an even better handle on encaustic manipulations.  I am able to better hide and reveal.  I can push figures back and pull information out of the haze. I can soften edges.
The content of my work has to do with how my memories change over time and how I cannot control them and that scares me.  I cannot hold onto this moment forever.  It fades with time.  I even changes each time I remember.  As I try to recall the details, exactly how it felt, my memory morphs into something different as I fill in the blanks.  I make a new story, loosely based on what came before.  While these are my stories about my family, my struggles, my loves, my child, I hope they are generic enough to touch the hearts and memories of others - part of being human is creating and recreating ... and losing control ...

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